biblical meaning of feces

Discover The Biblical Meaning Of Feces In A Dream

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Dreams involving feces can have an array of meanings, depending on the context. Although it might sound strange or unpleasant, feces are often associated with abundance in dreams – both physical and spiritual. In this article, we’ll review some of the biblical and spiritual meanings of feces in a dream.

In general, the meaning of feces in a dream is a sign of wealth, fortune, unexpected luck and it is a good omen. Money has a lot to do with this dream. Either they are losses, or they are profits. In the first case, the loss brings new paths, and in the second, the dreamer can prepare for their financial evolution.

But what does the bible say about the meaning of feces in a dream?

Depending on the context and type of dream, there are different interpretations. It is essential to recognize and differentiate the signs so that we learn from them.

“Dreams are the language of God… If he speaks in the language of the soul, it is only you who can understand.” The future belongs to God, and only he reveals it under extraordinary circumstances.”

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

God uses dreams to give us messages about many topics, and a dream can tell us a lot about ourselves, our relationship with God and others and it is essential to know how to interpret them.

If you think about what feces are, it is the waste products and undigested food that does not get absorbed by the body for nourishment and is eliminated by defecating. It can show how our health is and how well our body is functioning.

Dreaming with feces can represent the release or elimination of burdens and negative feelings and thoughts. It may mean a renewal period, and many achievements and projects will benefit you.

In psychoanalysis, Freud contributed by saying that a dream with feces, poop, or excrement represents self-punishment. When a person dreams of dirty and rotten things, it reflects that he wishes to eliminate harmful and out-of-order acts in his interior. To dream that you are pooping means you will get rid of problems or evil.

The Biblical Meaning of Dreams with feces, excrement or poop

In the Bible, dreams are often seen as a means of communication with God, and they are frequently used to reveal messages, prophecies, and warnings to individuals as they gave the message to some apostles.

The spiritual or biblical meaning of dreaming with feces may represent the driving out of whatever unhealthy thoughts or feelings remains in our lives and damages us. Negative emotions are removed, which may mean dishonest ambitions that lead the dreamer toward moral shortcomings. It means you are releasing yourself from the sins and mistakes of the past, and positive change is coming. You will have victory and success.

“Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

Spiritual and Biblical Meaning of Feces in a Dream

Keep reading and discover the message that some dreams can bring you, depending on the context:

  • Dream that you sleep on excrement

One of the most awkward meanings of feces in a dream is when you dream that you sleep on excrement. If this happens, it means you are miserable in these times. It is inappropriate to carry out projects after having this dream, and you should take a few days. This dream is also interpreted as feeling ashamed and miserable for something unpleasant you have done or was done to you.

“I, the Lord All-Powerful, have something else to say to you priests. You had better take seriously the need to honor my name. Otherwise, when you give a blessing, I will turn it into a curse. In fact, I have already done this, because you haven’t taken to heart your duties as priests. I will punish your descendants and rub your faces in the manure (feces, poop, excrement) from your animal sacrifices, and then be done with you”.

Malachi 2:1-3
  • Dream you are pooping or defecating

Defecating is a normal body process to eliminate toxins and waste. Therefore, the biblical meaning of defecating in a dream is cleansing. This dream shows that you are successfully removing things from your life that can cause you to feel constipated. You are pushing forward and removing unhealthy mindsets.

  • Dream you have diarrhea in sleep

This dream means there is something you no longer need in your life, and you want to expel it. Like when we eat something unhealthy, and our body rejects it, it has to come out.
It would be best if you purified yourself of many bad thoughts. You may soon have a stomach disorder. In this sense, it is very positive because you are preparing for a meaningful change.

  • Dream you are cleaning feces

This dream means the need for purification, cleaning out the dirty parts of your life, mind or soul, so you can receive God’s blessing.

Deuteronomy 23:14 “You must keep your camp clean of filthy and disgusting things. The Lord is always present in your camp, ready to rescue you and give you victory over your enemies. But if he sees something disgusting in your camp, he may turn around and leave.”

dream with feces

What does it mean to dream with feces poop?

  • Dream with Feces

One meaning of feces in a dream is unexpected luck; generally, it is a good omen. Money has a lot to do with this dream; either they are losses or profits. In the first case, the loss brings new paths, and in the second, the dreamer can prepare for their financial evolution.

  • Dream that you touch excrement

Contrary to popular belief, if you dream of touching excrement, it is a good omen, do not fear or disgust yourself. This dream represents that you will be very successful, economic abundance will come, and everything will go as you wish. Positive energies accompany you, and soon you will see yourself with a lot of money in your pockets and bank accounts!

  • Dreaming you feel you’re about to poop yourself

This dream is unfavorable and announces a significant problem, and you must act soon. You do not know what is happening; you feel anguish and cannot pinpoint why you are so stressed.

  • Dream you get dirty with feces, excrement

The meaning of the dream where you get dirty with feces is that there are discussions in your family environment that affect you significantly. You feel unable to resolve this issue. Everyone is in a pitched battle, and you are in the middle trying to give some solution. Your situation is unpleasant, and you’re stuck.

  • Dream that you spread excrement

This dream means that you will have a dangerous confrontation. Be careful because the person you will face is skilled and has strategies to annihilate you emotionally and morally. Think with a cool head, whether it is worth it or not.

  • Dream of blood droppings

Reflect on your actions. You have misbehaved, and this brings you regrets. The dream tells you to amend your mistakes soon, so you don’t suffer significant consequences. You are on time; you have been alerted. Don’t underestimate this dream.

  • Dream that you play with your feces

You have an irresponsible attitude. Material things dazzle you. You give possessions too much value, and sometimes you feel imprisoned. You have fears of responsibilities and anxiety about getting easy money.

  • Dream with excrement in your hands

You have serious family problems and fights with strangers in public spaces. It can also be a warning that you can be involved in embarrassing and shameful situations.

  • Dream that you get dirty with excrement yourself

This dream means you must mature. Your attitudes are sometimes or very often childish, and everyone notices. You don’t look excellent before people, and everyone criticizes you for this. This feature can be an attachment to your years of the past. It is time to leave that time behind, see your present, and recognize yourself as a mature being.

  • Dream someone makes you dirty with excrement

You have very hidden things and fear they will discover you. It is preferable that you speak of your own free will and do not have a wrong time to be seen. Lies and deception become a boomerang that can come against you.

  • Dream of excrement in the bathroom

This dream means good fortune. Although it may seem terrible to you, and you may wish to forget it, you should celebrate it because your abundance will be incredible. Your finances will rebound, and your income will be desired and more.

  • You look covered in manure

Your work will pay off, and you will have recognition, promotion, and better income. Take this opportunity and celebrate.

  • You see that they throw feces in the face of another person

You will have losses in several aspects. The financial, the family, and the personal are on a tightrope. Make forecasts because this will affect you emotionally. Take advantage of this warning. The dream reveals things you must take care of with zeal, so you do not remain at zero.

  • Dreams about poop everywhere

Think carefully about how you are spending or investing money. You may be gambling or lending money, and it is not being returned. It is usually an invitation to analyze financial activities.

  • Dream that you step on dog poop

This is a good omen. It is luck, without a doubt. Your business will be fine; the money is enough for you and your expenses. You are delighted because economic worries are not in your life.

  • Dream of human excrement

There are improvements in the meaning of feces in this dream.
The work environment will be very prosperous. It would help if you trust everything to yourself and do not delegate your responsibilities to other people because that will not favor you. Your friends and co-workers misunderstand you. Try to talk with them and explain your ideas; you should be cautious before them and not let them reject you.

  • Dream where excrement becomes a live animal

This dream represents a great responsibility you are developing to achieve your purposes. You are well on your way and can move on without fear; it is fantastic to know that you have a handle on your life.

  • You are a woman, and you dream of excrement

Be careful with this dream; you may get debased, thinking you want power, possessions, and an excellent social position. You are looking for a man with characteristics of power that shows he has money, no matter if you are attracted to him or not.

You will be able to be with that man just for interest; you can even get to marriage. But you should know that you will not be happy or have many tangible benefits.

  • Dream of baby feces droppings

The baby in this dream is the protagonist of many future successes. This dream tells you that you have in front a winner. This child will stand out, and you can see it and enjoy such brightness.

  • You feel some smell of poop while you’re sleeping.

It’s an unpleasant, almost real dream. This dream means that you perceive what is happening around you. You know that something is not correct, and you are alert. This attitude is very positive for the dreamer. You have a lot of modesty. You protect your privacy and do not allow anyone to inquire into your life.

  • You try to get rid of feces, and you can’t

You need to be more communicative, and that worries you. You would like to be free like other people, but you lock yourself and get stuck.

  • Dream you defecate in front of people

You are embarrassed by some event. You want to talk about this and don’t dare to do it. It has to do with your subconscious. Something embarrassing will happen to you, and you will be ashamed of many people.

  • Dream that your underwear is stained with poop

Something embarrassing is happening to you, and your psyche is affected. Repentance is one of the indicators that you need to behave better. This dream also indicates that you do not have the necessary capacity to meet your expectations.

  • You defecated on top

You are very nervous, and you should seek help so you can control this state. You’re stressed about work matters, and this is making you live an intense nightmare. You are about to have a great discussion with a friend or a member of your family, and this seriously affects you.

  • Dream that you accidentally poop

Feel calm because it is a good omen. You will get a good amount of money.

  • If you have difficulty defecating in the dream

You are being greedy, stubborn and have the air of being more than others. You squander what you have. The dream announces economic benefits, and the harmful will dissipate. Your life will be normalized, and if you reflect, you can eradicate the attitude of greed.

  • Throwing poop in people’s faces

Bad things will come into your life. You will turn your head on so much thinking. If you have a business, you will lose a lot in it.

  • Dreaming of feces or diarrhea in your bed

This means marital problem, or divorce. A disease is coming. It also means that you are out of place, which bothers everyone, and when you realize it, you feel ashamed and ridiculous.

  • Dreaming that a pigeon pooped on your head

If you dream of a pigeon pooping on your head, it is a symbol of good luck, and if it happens in real life, even more so!

In conclusion: Biblical meaning of feces in a dream

The meaning of dreams with feces is not a negative sign. Reflect on your unconscious thoughts, feelings, and desires and pay attention to the signs. Dreams are often seen as a mysterious and enigmatic aspect of the human experience. Whether true or not, the important thing to know is that all dreams are the product of messages from our unconscious, which is a very complex world. That is why Oneirology, the scientific study of dreams, exists.

What do you think about all the meaning of feces in a dream? Share your comments and thoughts with us!

I hope that discovering the meaning of feces in a dream has helped you understand why you had this curious dream.

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We also recommend you read what dreams are and why we dream.

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16 thoughts on “Discover The Biblical Meaning Of Feces In A Dream

  1. I was going to retreat program with the assembly pastor. He step on dry feace as we are going to the retreat.He told me that, that is how he use to step on it.
    What is the meaning???

  2. I dreamt that l went into a public toilet, l saw faeces everywhere on the floor missed with money. There was a man there who picked up some of the money, cleaned it and gave it to me.

  3. i dreamt that i pooped on an unknown man who was in my bed and he got angry and asked why i did it then he walked away he was dripping in poop face head covered i was in bed i cld tell tht i pooped on him but i wasnt dirty from the poop anymore it was all on him

  4. I dreamed that a neighbour’s baby messes me with her poop and wanted to be with me despite the fact that she was messed up.

  5. I dreamed that I was having a running stomach and before I could know it I poop stay the bed I sit and the car seat. But people around joined me to clean it very well with somuch smile on then. They didn’t feel it a poop.

  6. I dreamt that as I was sleeping on bed, I was pooping and the poo was dropping on the floor, then I used paper to clean it up before because I don’t want anyone to see it.
    Pls what does it mean

  7. I saw myself packing piled up feaces out of my was so much. We actually requested for something else I can’t remember, but what the tanker brought was a tank filled up with feaces in my house.

  8. I dreamt that I poop in a nylon and carried with my hand to a large congregation and when I felt uncomfortable with it, I wanted to excuse myself to throw it away, at that point someone noticed and perceived the odor and after that I noticed that I have the whole feces on my both hands trying to clean it up. Kindly help to interpret this dream

  9. I dream that I saw poop on a young man hands and he wiped it on the table he was sitting on. What does it mean?

      1. I dream the poop was inside my room and I was packing the out and I even saw a baby poop inside what does it mean

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