
Can You Get Pregnant With A Bacterial Infection?

Can You Get Pregnant With A Bacterial Infection?. Genitalia infections are more common than you might think. The most common and most often occurring is Candidiasis, an infection caused by the fungus Candida, usually called Candida albicans, but any other species of this fungus can occur. If you are looking for a pregnancy, you are probably worried about having[…]

Dental Assistant Taking X Rays While Pregnant

Dental assistant taking x rays while pregnant?. This is one of the great uncertainties of women professionals in Radiology: What are the risks of the baby during my state of gestation?. According to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, pregnant employees should not be exposed to more than a  — 500 mrem[…]

Ammonium Lactate Lotion For Dark Spots

Ammonium lactate lotion for dark spots. The lactic acid component of Ammonium lactate may exfoliate (remove) the darker skin cells and reduce the darkness of age spots. Ammonium lactate (cream) It is a combination of lactic acid and ammonium hydroxide, it is a humectant. It’s used to treat dry, scaly, itchy skin. It may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication[…]

What is an Audiologist? – Ear Doctor

What is an Audiologist? Ear Doctor hearing specialist An audiologist is a specialist in conducting highly accurate hearing tests. If the regular doctor cannot make sense of a patient’s hearing problems, he or she will be referred to the audiologist.  An Audiologist is a general practitioner who subsequently completed a 4-year specialty and who deals[…]

Home Remedies For Getting Pregnant With Tubes Tied

Natural ways to get pregnant after tubal ligation Natural ways to reverse tubal ligation. The fallopian tubes are the muscular ducts that connect the ovaries and the uterus or womb and sometimes are also where the problem is that many women are unable to get pregnant. Although it seems incredible,[…]

Triamcinolone acetonide cream for age spots

Can you use triamcinolone acetonide cream on your face? Triamcinolone acetonide cream for age spots and also for dark spots? Continue reading and solve all these questions! Triamcinolone acetonide is an adrenal cortex hormone (corticosteroid). It inhibits inflammation and reduces flaking, itching, and swelling. For skin conditions with inflammation, for[…]

Can Pregnant Women Use Icy Hot?

Can i use icy hot on my back while pregnant Can pregnant women use icy hot? Is it safe to use icy hot while pregnant?. Hi mom! It is not recommended, it is a medicine that eventually passes to the baby, better to rub it with your body creampie or get[…]

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