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The meaning of dreaming about animals

Meaning of animals in dreams. Everyone dreams every night during his / her sleep, but what many people don’t know is that most of these dreams have meaning that can be traced as long as you know what to look for when you relive your dream in the morning.

Dreams are incredibly versatile and can serve as a messenger for your subconscious. Because the subconscious mind expresses itself in dreams, you can become much happier if you interpret your dreams correctly. You really have to get started with the things you encounter and bother your subconscious. It can be difficult to find out, but it will eventually work.

Are you now curious about your dream with that one animal and you can’t make anything of it yourself, then this information is for you.

Dreaming about animals in general

If you come across animals while dreaming, you naturally want to know what these animals mean. Animals in a dream represent primitive desires and the accompanying sexual nature of every person. Now of course it differs per animal what meaning exactly lies behind a dream, but dreams about animals can be traced through the physical properties of an animal.

To briefly comment on this, an example. If you dream about a fake dog that appears threatening then you feel threatened by something or someone. If you are fighting an animal during your dream, this means that you are struggling with something you would rather repress. In the search for the meaning of a dream, it is easiest for animals to view it as a human instinct.

All aspects

Also try not to focus too much on just the animal, because the rest of the dream is also important. The feeling that a dream gives is of great importance when translating the dream. If a dream comes across as threatening it means that you have the feeling that you are not in control of all situations in your life. On the other hand, if you tame a wild animal, you feel comfortable and can handle all situations. This feeling allows you to oversee everything well and makes you successful as long as you stay honest and retain that feeling.

If you are attacked by a wild animal and you overcome the fight by killing the animal, you will also compete and win in life with competitors. As you can see there is a difference between taming and killing the wild animal, they seem small differences but these details are indeed important for a correct interpretation of the dream.

Farm animals

If you dream about innocent farms every day instead of threatening wild animals, then you are ready to grow and explore the potential in you. You are then ready to discover and to develop yourself.

Friendly animals

You can also dream about killing a friendly animal such as a rabbit, sparrow, pheasant etc .. An example is that you accidentally drive a squirrel to death during a ride in a car that you drive. If this is the case then you are not doing well. You do something every day that you are actually morally opposed to. The dream shows that you actually ignore a part of yourself every day so that you end up losing / killing it because it has disappeared. So do not deny yourself by doing something that you are against whether this is conscious or unconscious.

Talking animals

Talking animals in dreams. A common category of animals that occur in dreams are talking animals. Talking animals can be seen as a courier of the subconscious. Talking animals immediately convey a message about something that you are not aware of, but that you can be uncomfortable with. You can unravel the message of such a courier by paying careful attention to what the animal says. The essence of the message is usually that you have to trust your own instincts and abilities.

You also have dreams in which animals attack other animals. These dreams indicate that your subconscious has the feeling that there is a conflict or is emerging with someone you know well and is dear to you.

Another meaning of this dream is that you do not dare to show yourself. Or because you think that your desires and emotions are not understood by others or because you think that others do not know how to deal with them.

With dreams about dead animals you consciously or unconsciously have the idea that you are suppressing a part of yourself, you cannot express yourself as you want and you therefore feel suppressed.

Dead animals

With dreams about dead animals you consciously or unconsciously have the idea that you are suppressing a part of yourself, you cannot express yourself as you want and you therefore feel suppressed. You miss something of yourself and it is important to find this missed erug and bring it up to be fully happy.

Laboratory animals

The last category is the dreams about laboratory animals. These dreams are perhaps the easiest to interpret. Experiments are being carried out on laboratory animals and this is exactly what these dreams require of you. You have to experiment with all sorts of character traits, develop yourself, push boundaries and try new things. Overcome your fears, make other choices. When you dream about experiments on animals you experience difficulties in implementing ideas and certain goals. However, if you prevent the animals from being exposed to experiments, you can resist everything the animal stands for.

As you can see, interpreting dreams does not have to be difficult, but there are certainly difficult dreams. Some dreams are initially difficult to translate into reality, but in the end almost every dream falls into place. However, there is a category of dreams that simply seems to mean nothing.

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