Feeling Movement In Stomach But Not Pregnant

Feeling Movement In Stomach But Not Pregnant

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Movement in belly not pregnant?. feeling movement in lower abdomen not pregnant. It is likely that they are premenstrual symptoms, however, just in case I suggest you take a pregnancy test 15 days after the relationship you had with your partner.

Those small movements that you have in the belly are due to ovulation, they can feel like small little jumps, flutters, cramps or touches. This is the effect that your ovulation is in process.

There is nothing to worry about at the moment, when you have cysts the pain is very very intense.

And you are very right, it could not be of a pregnancy because you are barely ovulating and it is impossible to have symptoms within 1 or 2 days of having had unprotected intimacy and assuming that the ovum had been fertilized, it is very soon, at least the symptoms of Pregnancy is taken one month after the egg was fertilized.

Pseudociesis (phantom pregnancy): characteristics and diagnosis

The DSM V (2013) places pseudocyesis within somatic symptom disorders and related disorders. Specifically, within “Other somatic symptom disorders and related disorders”.

It is defined as a “false belief of being pregnant that is associated with signs and symptoms of pregnancy” (DSM V, 2013, p. 327).

It has also been called pseudo-pregnancy, phantom pregnancy, hysterical pregnancy, and false pregnancy, although some of these are no longer used (Azizi & Elyasi, 2017).

What can cause movement in your belly?

Symptoms presented

Among the physiological symptoms that are usually reported in cases of pseudocyesis are: irregular menstruation, distended abdomen, subjective feeling that the fetus moves, milk secretion, breast changes, darkening of the aura, weight gain, galactorrhea, vomiting and nausea, changes in uterus and cervix and even labor pains (Azizi & Elyasi, 2017; Campos, 2016).


Much of the data reported by a review is of infertile and perimenopausal women between 20 and 44 years of age. 80% were married. It is rarely observed in postmenopausal women, men, adolescents, or children (Azizi & Elyasi, 2017).


Its etiology is unknown, although it is thought that neuroendocrine, physiological, psychological, social, socio-cultural factors may be involved (Azizi & Elyasi, 2017).

Physiological factors

The following conditions have been related to pseudocyesis (Azizi & Elyasi, 2017):

  1. Certain types of organic brain or neuroendocrine pathologies.
  2. Recurring abortions
  3. Menopause threat
  4. Sterilization surgery
  5. Uterine or ovarian tumors
  6. Cystic ovaries
  7. Uterine fibroids
  8. Morbid obesity
  9. Urinary retention
  10. Ectopic pregnancy
  11. CNS tumors
  12. Infertility history

Psychological factors

The following disorders and situations have been related to pseudocyesis:

  1. Ambivalence about the desire to be pregnant, the desire to have a child, the fear of pregnancy, hostile attitudes towards pregnancy, and motherhood.
  2. Challenges regarding sexual identity.
  3. Stress
  4. Duel about hysterectomy.
  5. Severe deprivations in childhood
  6. Anxiety for significant separation and feeling of emptiness.
  7. Child sexual abuse
  8. Schizophrenia
  9. Anxiety
  10. Mood disorders
  11. Affective disorders
  12. Personality disorders

Social factors

Among the social aspects that may be related to pseudocyesis have been documented: low socioeconomic status, living in developing countries, limited education, history of infertility, having an abusive partner, and a culture that gives excellent value to motherhood ( Campos, 2016).

Differential Diagnosis

The DSM V (2013) differentiates the pseudocyesis from the illusion of pregnancy observed in psychotic disorders. The difference is that in the latter, there are no signs and symptoms of pregnancy (Gul, Gul, Erberk Ozen & Battal, 2017).


Pseudociesis is a specified somatic disorder where the person firmly believes that they are pregnant and even have sure physiological signs.

Not much is known about the etiology of the disorder, according to a review, there are no longitudinal studies on the subject because the number of patients is low. Most of the information that is available comes from case reports (Azizi & Elyasi, 2017).

What are normal fetal movements?

The first time a mother feels her baby’s movements is one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy. It is common to think that with the baby moving and showing the mother more signs of vitality, they are also strengthening the mother-child bond.

When does the baby start moving?

Dr. Edward Portugal, Gynecologist Vallesur Clinic , indicates that the first movements feel between 18 and 20 weeks gestation, however, for a new mother, it may take a little longer to realize new sensations He is perceived in her womb.

Women who have previously had children already know how to recognize this type of experience. Therefore, they can notice the movements even earlier, around 16 weeks of gestation.

If for 24 weeks gestation, there is still no movement of the baby, it is advisable to visit the obstetrician to check that everything is going correctly.

How are the normal fetal movement?

The baby starts moving long before the mother can feel. These movements will change as the baby will develop .

In this article we tell you what are the movements that mothers usually notice:

  • Between weeks 16 and 19

Here they begin to feel the first movements, which can be perceived as small vibrations or a feeling of bubbling in the belly. It usually happens at night, when the mother decreases her activities and is at rest.

  • Between weeks 20 and 23

The famous “kicks” of the baby begin to be noticed during these weeks. Also as the weeks progress, the baby begins to hiccup which can be perceived with small movements. These will increase as the baby gets stronger.

  • Between weeks 24 and 28

The amniotic sac now contains about 750ml of fluid. This gives the baby more room to move, which will also cause the mother to feel active more frequently.

Here you can already feel the movements of the joints as “kicks and fists”, and softer ones, of the whole body. You can even feel the baby “jumping” responding to some sudden sounds.

  • Between weeks 29 and 31

The baby begins to have smaller, more precise and defined movements, such as strong feeling kicks and pushes. This may feel as if you are trying to gain more space.

  • Between weeks 32 and 35

This is one of the most exciting weeks to feel the baby’s movements, since by week 32 they should be at their best. Remember that the frequency of baby movements will be an indicator when the mother enters labor.

As the baby grows and has less room to move, his movements will become slower and last longer.

  • Between weeks 36 and 40

Probably by week 36 the baby has already taken his final position, with his head down. The mother’s belly and uterus muscles will help keep it in place.

Remember, instead of counting baby kicks, it is more important that you pay attention to the rhythm and pattern of your movements. So you can check what is normal for your baby. If you notice that the baby is moving much less than usual, see your doctor immediately. With him / her you will be able to answer any questions regarding the baby’s health.

Bibliographic references:

Azizi, M. & Elyasi, F. (2017), Biopsychosocial view to pseudocyesis: A narrative review. Recuperado de: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5894469/

Campos, S. (2016,) Pseudocyesis. retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1555415516002221

American Psychiatric Association., Kupfer, DJ, Regier, DA, Arango López, C., Ayuso-Mateos, JL, Vieta Pascual, E., & Bagney Lifante, A. (2014). DSM-5: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Madrid etc .: Pan American Medical Editorial.

Ahmet Gul, Hesna Gul, Nurper Erberk Ozen & Salih Battal (2017): Pseudocyesis in a patient with anorexia nervosa: etiologic factors and treatment approach, Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology, DOI: 10.1080/24750573.2017.1342826


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