What Does It Mean When You Dream About The Devil

What does it mean when you dream about the devil?

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What does it mean when you dream about the devil?

The devil is a figure that symbolizes evil in its entirety. Therefore, the fact that it appears in dreams can be alarming. You may wake up frightened after living a dream experience of this kind. However, you should know that this dream is leaning towards a break.

Both devout people and those who do not believe, but know religion has come to dream of the devil. This dream is almost always preceded by having seen a horror movie like The Exorcist. But if you haven’t had experiences like this, then your dream has a message.

There are many forms and situations that can occur when dreaming of the devil. They almost always show up as perceived appearances. However, sometimes, the devil can appear in dreams with his classic look that we all know. Similarly, many have come to dream of being possessed by the devil.

There is no doubt that one of the worst nightmares you can experience is the appearance of a demon in your dream world. Some know him as satan, and others call him Belcebú. Whatever the case, it is very unpleasant to imagine it. That is why dreaming about the devil can make you wake up with an accelerated pulse and sweats. Now, what is the meaning of this dream?

You may feel indecision, fear, and fear of failure, ending a relationship at certain times in your life, all this floods your mind. Sometimes you can remember the bad experiences that make you feel uncomfortable, which is known as the “demons in oblivion.” However, in order to discover the meaning of dreaming with the devil, you must know the context and details of your dream. It does not mean the same to see the devil in human form to see him next to God or if he is in the way of an animal.



People tend to maintain two personalities in their lives. The positive, which stands out for generosity, joy, and kindness. As a counterpart, the negative character harbors lust, resentment, anger, greed, and other capital sins. Sometimes you may show your tender side, while there are situations that make you the most selfish and envious person.

Each of us recognizes when we have done wrong. Therefore the subconscious tends to punish with dreams with the devil. The purpose is to make you feel very guilty for your actions so that you repent of them.

But we are only presenting a general interpretation. Perhaps this does not adapt to what you have dreamed since the dream experiences are much more subjective, and you need to internalize both in your personal situation and in the context of it. It may happen that the devil is you, is another person who causes these fears, or at some point you betrayed someone.


Dreaming of the devil in the form of a woman

Dreaming of the devil in the way of a woman indicates that you have hurt a lady. It is your duty to investigate who that person has been against whom you have attempted and amended the facts. In another context, it can also mean that a woman is looking to betray you. Look closely at your surroundings and make forecasts.


Dreams of the devil in the form of a man

Dreaming of the devil in the way of a man keeps a similar meaning to the previous dream. You have misbehaved towards someone, and you need to amend that mistake so that your demons stop chasing you. It may also happen that a man close to you is trying to betray you. Evaluate your circle of friends thoroughly and be careful.


Dreaming of the devil in the form of a child

Dreaming of the devil in the way of a child speaks about the existence of deep remorse towards a child. In another context, this dream experience may indicate the presence of fear in the face of the misfortune of losing a child or that he takes a wrong path, becoming a horrible person.


Dreams of the dog-shaped devil

The devil can take many forms so that you can dream of the dog-shaped devil. This only indicates that it is the phobia you feel towards canines. It is likely that throughout your day, you have run into one, and during the night, your subconscious brings this event to mind.


Dreaming of the cat-shaped devil

Similar to previous experience, dreaming of the cat-shaped devil is taken by ontology experts as a dream that shows your phobia towards felines. A close encounter with a cat can be the reason for having dreams with him at night.



  • If you dreamed of talking to the devil, it indicates that you are immersed in a relationship, deal, or business that, at first glance, is beneficial. This dream experience tells you to read the small letters carefully before taking the next step. Do not trust appearances because you could end up harmed.
  • Dreams, where you fight with the devil, reveals that you have everything you need to face different situations and emerge victoriously. Winning the fight with the devil tells you that you have high inner strength and much spirituality.
  • That I am the devil is a dream experience quite disturbing. This dream wants to tell you that you have a moral burden for some action taken, and you think it is not right. It is the reflection of your feeling of guilt.
  • If you dreamed that you are a friend of the devil, it could frighten you much more. Nobody wants to be friends with such an evil being. However, this dream only intends to indicate that you are someone very influential; you are easy to manipulate as it pleases others.
  • Dreams of the devil and not seeing it may seem pointless, but it is possible. You can get to see how he laughs, which causes you more anguish. Its meaning revolves around a deep feeling of sadness because of an adverse action done towards someone close. Review what you have done and amend your mistakes.

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4 thoughts on “What does it mean when you dream about the devil?

  1. I woke up at exactly 3:14am this morning, just a little bit ago.. bc i had a dream that i saw the devil. Not in his form that everyone describes him as.. but i saw him on a phone screen laughing.. and i saw him in the face of my own brother, but only for half a second it felt like.. i woke up scared, anxious, and abt to cry, especially since ik that the whole hour of 3am is supposedly “the devils hour”.. what does this mean?

  2. I dreamed I was sleeping in my bed and the devil came up from hell
    and wrapped his arms around the entire bed and was taking me down to hell with him. I was calling my mother but she did not hear me, so I began saying the Lords prayer, and praying the lords prayer over and over and I woke up before the devil could take me to hell with him. His form was reddish horn on his head and long nails body of a man, but he was strong you could see the muscles in his arms as he try pulling me down to hell in my bed. It was as if the floor in my bed rom just open up as he pull me down with him.
    what does this mean.

  3. I am dreaming of a dead man in a mask , when i slowly taken away the mask he was wearing several mask i dont know how many mask he was wearing and the last face i saw was a devil he has 2 bumps in the fore head and in both side of his head there circling a white horn , i try to check the white horn if it is true i touch it if it is hard , then i saw a large water it looks like a big lake , and i say to my self how i can conquire this they are too powerful … Then i woke up

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