TOP 10 Benefits of Clear Bracket Braces (Keep Your Smile Bright)

Clear bracket braces vs metal. Transparent or ceramic braces are ideal for people who care about their image and are looking for highly discreet treatments since they blend in with the natural colour of the tooth and are therefore easier to conceal than metallic ones.

This type of braces is practically invisible because they are made with materials such as glass, plastic, ceramics, a fusion between them obtaining. As a result, transparent elements that combined with other materials are very resistant.

Years ago, the only objective of orthodontic treatment was to be effective, that is, that in a given number of months, it would achieve the expected results.

However, today this specialty of Dentistry is moving towards increasingly aesthetic treatments, even invisible, in some cases.

Therefore, now it is not only essential that the dental procedure perform the function of bringing our teeth to the desired position.

It is equally important that you also do it in a discreet manner so that it does not interfere with our lifestyle, and we do not feel uncomfortable to show our smile with orthodontics to others.

Know the types of transparent brackets

Know the types of transparent brackets

The clear brackets, also called aesthetic brackets, are devices made of ceramic materials that resemble the natural colour of the tooth. That way, they go unnoticed in the mouth. At present, these types of fixed devices have become the ideal option for adults who do not wish to wear metal devices.

Ceramic brackets

This type of aesthetic bracket is a white ceramic that simulates the colour of the tooth. Being ceramic, they do not have the same resistance as metal devices. Therefore, certain precautions should be taken, such as reducing the consumption of sweets or candies, fruit pieces or large vegetables.

Similarly, ceramics can be stained by the consumption of coffee, tea and wine. It is typical for this type of device to end up acquiring a yellowish appearance. On the other hand, they are the most economical option within the range of aesthetic devices.

Sapphire crystal brackets

Sapphire is a ceramic material, transparent and of very high strength and hardness. Because of their qualities, sapphire brackets are the most aesthetic option and the only ones that are really transparent. Its translucent appearance reveals the colour of the tooth once it is installed in the mouth.

They look exactly the colour of the tooth. Also, they do not stain, so they will always give a very natural look. Another benefit is that sapphire is a very polished material, so its edges are very soft and provide a lot of comforts when using them. They also come in the form of self-ligating, that is, sapphire brackets that lack ligatures, so treatment with them is faster.

The clear braces are the best alternative to carry out orthodontic treatment without worrying about the appearance of your teeth and comfort. They are practically not perceived in the mouth and do not cause those initial discomforts of the metal brackets.

What are the most aesthetic orthodontic treatments?

What are the most aesthetic orthodontic treatments

For this reason, various trademarks have developed systems to meet the current needs of orthodontic users. Thus, today, the best aesthetic treatments are:

  • Lingual brackets: they are placed on the inner side of the tooth, so they do not look and are the only 100% invisible
  • Invisalign aligners: removable transparent splints that are virtually imperceptible before the eyes of others, even over short distances
  • Translucent brackets: they are based on the same system as the classic metal brackets, but they are much more aesthetic and barely noticeable

Since there are different types of transparent brackets and, also, this one of the most demanded cosmetic orthodontic treatments, in this article, we are going to focus on them.

That is, if you are thinking of wearing clear transparent brackets, we are going to tell you which are the best among all the types that exist, what advantages and disadvantages they have concerning the rest of treatments, and if they work for all kinds of cases.

What are the best clear transparent brackets?

Before treating this orthodontic method in-depth, we will clarify the different types of transparent brackets  – and even white ones – that exist.

Although there is a lot of variety, not all of these types are the same or offer the same quality.

We chose the sapphire crystal brackets. We do this because this material is the best in terms of aesthetics since it does not stain or change colour over time.

Therefore, it maintains its natural transparency throughout the treatment time.

Sapphire crystal is the best transparent bracket that currently exist. Unlike ceramic or plastic, they do not stain or turn yellow

What materials can brackets be made of?

What materials can brackets be made of

There are other transparent brackets but, instead of being made with sapphire crystal, they are made of ceramic material – porcelain – or plastic. Although at first glance, they are very similar to those of sapphire, the truth is that they are much more unsightly and of worse quality.

This is so because over time – and by consuming certain foods or beverages and smoking – ceramic or plastic brackets turn yellow and stain.

Therefore, they are obvious to the naked eye and lose the aesthetic properties for which they were chosen.

But, in addition to this, if we are going to wear transparent brackets, it is essential to know what ligatures or which arch they are going to place.

At this point, it should be noted that white ligatures are more aesthetic than rubber bands since they do not stain. And, also, we use white bows that change every month.

In this way, we maintain discretion in all the elements that make up the orthodontic treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of sapphire brackets

Like any other orthodontic treatment, sapphire crystal brackets offer several benefits but also have problems.

Next, we detail them:


  • Discreet: they have transparency and texture that blend with tooth enamel
  • Effective: they are as effective as metal brackets
  • Resistant: Sapphire crystal is a tough material since it is only surpassed in this aspect by the diamond
  • Comfortable: they have soft rounded edges that minimize patient discomfort
  • Price: of all treatments considered aesthetic ( Incognito lingual orthodontics and Invisalign transparent aligners ), it is the cheapest


  • They do not offer maximum aesthetics: although it is very discreet, this orthodontic treatment  is not 100% invisible

Now that you know what the benefits and disadvantages of this type of orthodontics are, our advice is that you choose sapphire crystal brackets if you are looking for a treatment that combines aesthetics and cost.

Many people would not wear traditional metal devices because they find them very unsightly, but they also do not need a 100% invisible solution. And besides, they don’t want to pay the price of what Invisalign or Incognito costs.

What is the price of transparent brackets?

Once we have broken down the characteristics and advantages of sapphire brackets over others that simply offer short-term transparency, it is not surprising that the former has a higher price than the rest.

Currently, the price of sapphire brackets ranges from $ 3,020, for 12-month treatments, and $ 4,910, for longer treatments (up to 30 months).

That is, as with any other orthodontic system, correcting simple alterations – such as crowding – will be cheaper than solving bite defects or occlusion.

On the other hand, the prices of different types of transparent brackets -porcelain or plastic- will be lower, since the material with which they are manufactured is worse, and therefore, cheaper, and that allows reducing the final cost of the treatment.

Therefore, if you prefer to pay a somewhat higher price to obtain more top quality, our advice is that when you go to a dental clinic, make sure that the brackets that you are going to place are made of sapphire crystal, not merely transparent.

Does this treatment work with all types of cases?

The sapphire crystal bracket is the natural evolution of the classic metal bracket, with the difference that it is much more discreet.

Therefore, as with its predecessors, this type of transparent brackets can be chosen by adults as well as by children or adolescents.

Also, this orthodontics solves any alteration related to the alignment and bite of the teeth.

You will be interested » Brackets for children: when are they recommended, and what problems do they correct?

Examples of the most common corrections made in our query are: crowding dental open – bitecrossbitete, tooth spacings – diastemas -, overbite, etc.

Anyway, if you think you need braces and are interested in this treatment, or any other, I recommend that you go to a dentist specialized in Orthodontics that you trust.

In this way, they can assess you and help you decide if sapphire brackets are the most suitable for your case.

At this point, it is convenient to remember that, although we are talking about an aesthetic method, wearing orthodontics is not just a matter of physical appearance.

Also, it is beneficial for health. This is because well-placed teeth and proper occlusion facilitate daily hygiene and allow chewing loads to be distributed correctly.

With this, it will be more difficult for dental diseases to appear. In essence, caries, gingivitis or periodontitis -, there will be no inadequate wear on the teeth, and it will be chewed correctly at the time of eating so that the dental pieces will not suffer more burden than they should.

Placement of clear brackets: step by step


What care should I take with aesthetic braces?

As we have advanced in one of the previous sections, one of the most important things when we wear orthodontics is cleaning.

But, in addition to this, we must also be relatively careful with food.


To keep the aesthetic braces clean, it is essential to brush your teeth after each meal.

That is, it is essential to be careful to be able to eliminate any food that may remain between the appliance and our teeth.


While there are no foods that can stain the brackets, since the sapphire crystal does not turn yellowish, our advice is to be careful with specific very hard or sticky foods.

And, some foods can cause the bracket to take off or fall when performing a lever movement with the teeth. Some examples of this could be:

  • Chocolate
  • Nougat
  • Nuts (Kikos)
  • Snacks (roasted chickpeas)
  • Snacks or apples eaten at bites

What is the duration of this orthodontic treatment for adults?

As in any other orthodontic treatment, the duration depends on the type of dental malocclusion that needs to be corrected.

Generally, it can be said that crowding is more comfortable to correct than bite or occlusion.

In cases where it is only necessary to correct the crowding, the mouth lacks space for the teeth to align.

However, the dental pieces fit correctly, so the movement to be made is more natural.

That is, it will be less time if there is only crowding and will be 18 to 36 months if, also, it is necessary to correct the bite.

That said, do I choose this dental device?

We recommend sapphire crystal brackets to people who have aesthetic requirements but who also value another aspect of great importance: price.

Sapphire orthodontics is a very discreet method since brackets are not visible at medium distances. However, they are not invisible.

I hope that all this has helped you to learn more about this orthodontic system.

Although your initial preferences and the needs detected by the specialist are fundamental, the treatment itself is simply the mechanism to achieve the results we seek.

Therefore, whether you finally decide on this method or any other, the most important thing is to go to a right dentist specialized in Orthodontics.

Once you have orthodontics, follow the guidelines offered (related to care, hygiene.), since it is who best knows your case. And, when you finish the treatment, use retainers to maintain the stability of the results.

Only with the proper use of retention will you have the smile you want for a lifetime.


Editor in Chief

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