Search Results for: why do we dream

Astrology answers your questions

Do you think Astrology answers your questions? Many people think they do, that finding answers for life’s doubts could be possible with astrology. Human beings are always questioning the meaning of life and it is said that astrology usually gives answers to many of the concerns of everyday life. Today’s[…]

Dream of being lost in a hotel

Dream of being lost in a hotel. Well, who does not know the hotels? These places where we rest when we go on a trip with our families or make a work trip. They can be more luxurious and more or less expensive, but they all work the same way:[…]

What Does It Mean When A Ladybug Lands On You?

The ladybug is a small red flying insect with black dots, but also a symbol of good luck in the search for true love. This belief that has its origin in Sweden is shared by several places since it is considered a messenger, bearer of the best news, transformations, success in love[…]

Dreams of my husband cheating on me meaning

Dreams of my husband cheating on me meaning Sometimes you don’t have to have a nightmare for sleep to be spinning in your head for days. It is the case to dream that your husband cheats on you, a dream that inevitably leads you to check the status of your relationship.[…]

What Does A Car Accident Mean In A Dream?

What does a car accident mean in a dream?. Dream of car accident. Dreaming about road accidents is common, because we have all seen a road accident at some time in our lives, however short, and some have even, unfortunately, experienced it in their own flesh. We spend many hours[…]

Dream Of a Snake Biting You or Someone Else

If you dream of a snake biting you or someone else discover the various possible meanings and decipher the message behind such a peculiar dream! Any dream of an animal attack will not be pleasant, snakes’ bites are dangerous, but fortunately in a dream, you are safe! First of all,[…]

What does it mean when you dream about someone

When you dream about someone are they thinking of you? For many, dreams are just fictional stories recreated by the mind while they sleep. This is not like this. Dreams are the mental manifestation of sounds, images, sensations, and thoughts that are strongly linked to your reality. This means that[…]

Discover The Biblical Meaning Of Feces In A Dream

Dreams involving feces can have an array of meanings, depending on the context. Although it might sound strange or unpleasant, feces are often associated with abundance in dreams – both physical and spiritual. In this article, we’ll review some of the biblical and spiritual meanings of feces in a dream.[…]

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