How To Reverse A Curse Biblically?

How To Reverse A Curse Biblically?

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How to reverse a curse Biblically. Bible verses to remove curses.

The “spiritual battle” movement teaches the need to break the hereditary curses and to nullify pending commitments to the devil, even after Christ saved the person. It is shown that we inherited the curses that accompanied our ancestors, because of their demonic sins and covenants, and that we need to override these hereditary curses.

One of the texts used to defend this point is Exodus 20: 5, where God threatens to visit the wickedness of the parents in the children, up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate it. “You shall not worship or serve them; because I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, who punished the iniquity of the parents over the children up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate meEx 20.5 ).

However, teaching that God bears the consequences of parental sins on children is only half the truth. The Scripture also tells us that if a son of an idolatrous father and an adulterer, seeing the evil deeds of his father, fears God and walks in his ways, nothing that the father did will fall on him.

Conversion and individual repentance “break“, in the existence of people, the “hereditary curse” (an effect only possible because of the work of Christ). This was the point emphasized by the prophet Ezekiel in his preaching to the people of Israel of the time (read Ezekiel 18 carefully ).

Through the prophet Ezekiel, God rebuked them, affirming that moral responsibility is personal and individual before Him:both the soul of the father and the soul of my son are mine. The soul that sins, that will dieEz. 18: 420 ). And that, by conversion and a righteous life, the individual is free from the “curse” of the sins of his ancestors, see Ezekiel 18: 14-19. This passage is significant, for it shows us how God himself interprets (through Ezekiel) the meaning of Exodus 20: 5.

Applying to our day, it is evident that the true believer had already broken with his past and with the spiritual implications of the sins of his ancestors when, repentant, he came to Christ in faith.

There is more; the apostle Paul clarifies that the writing of debt that was contrary to us, that is, the curse of the law, no longer has any effect on us since Jesus annulled it on the cross:

And when you were dead in your crimes and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, He gave you life together with Him, having forgiven us all sins, having canceled the debt document that consisted of decrees against us and that was adverse to us, and has removed it from the middle, nailing him to the cross, and having stripped the powers and authorities, made them a public spectacle, triumphing over them through Him Col. 2: 13-15 ).

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written: Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree Gal 3:13 ).

Therefore, all condemnation that weighed on us was removed entirely when Christ paid, sufficiently and effectively, our guilt before God. Now if Christ’s work on Calvary for us was powerful enough to remove from us the curse of God’s holy law, how much more can it remove anything that could be used by Satan to claim rights over us, including pacts made by us with evil entities, or by our parents in our ignorance.

A simple study of the Scriptures and of the language used is sufficient to describe our redemption so that there is no doubt that the believer, like a slave exposed for sale in the square, was bought for a price, and now passes to fully belong to your new Lord. The former chief has no more right over him, as the Roman legislation of the time stated.

Thus, Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:20 says that we were bought with a price. The Greek word for “bought” is agorazo, which means: to buy, to redeem, to pay a ransom; This term was used for the act of buying a slave in the plaza, or spending his ransom to free him. So, now being free, we must not let ourselves be enslaved again 1 Cor. 7:23 ), we have been rescued by the precious blood of Christ:

Knowing that you were not redeemed from your vain way of living inherited from your parents with perishable things like gold or silver, but with precious blood, like from a lamb without blemish and without spot, the blood of Christ 1 Pet. 1: 18- 19 ).

3 Effective Prayers that Break Curses

Prayers to reverse curses. Despite the fact that curses are often seen as a product of cultural invention in the 21st century, we must know that in sacred scriptures we find recurring mentions to these. So much so, that the day we will teach a little about them and we will show you some sentences that break curses .

In this sense, you must know that, by placing all your faith in God, you can overcome these setbacks and, thus, recover the state of grace that only the kingdom of the Lord can grant us. With that said, let’s go over what the Bible tells us about it.

What does the Bible tell us about curses?

In the holy scriptures he makes references to two types of curses:

  • The generational ones (those transmitted from generation to generation for acting against the will of God ) whose examples can be found in Exodus 20.5, Deuteronomy 5.9 and Numbers 14.18.
  • And curses for disobedience ; the best example of which we find in Leviticus 26: 14-46.

In addition to this, and due to popular culture, it is also common to consider that a person is cursed due to the actions done against him by someone who does not want his good. That said, the sentences that we will present to you will be useful for each of the three cases presented.

Short sentences that break curses

As a first prayer, and considering the first topic discussed above, we present you a short prayer that will help you undo the actions of your environment against the Lord:

Loving father;
Forgive me with your infinite grace, for
I have sinned with knowledge.
As a man, I am submerged in the land
where satan only wants to harm me and
constantly works against me to get away
from the wisdom of your kingdom.

I may have gone astray, Lord;
My boat may have been wrecked in the waters of the evil one;
My mind, disturbed by its influence,
may have led me to the opposite path that leads to your kingdom.

But here I am, Lord!
And both I and my family are sorry and we
want you to enlighten us to wade through our current situation.
I know that you will listen to us, because your faith is the true one.

Prayers to remove effective curses

As a second prayer, we bring you one that you can personally use if you want God to free you from these and return to the grace of the illumination of his kingdom :

God Almighty!
Creator of the earth the one of the sky;
Guardian of the wisdom of the universe and protector
Clement like a shepherd with his sheep.

Oh Holy Father!
Today I raise these words to heaven so
that you can free me from this torment
and help me find
the spiritual grace that only you can emanate.
The evil one has dragged me into his territory and I fear
that his aura of malice, rancor and hatred is the one
that covers me at this moment.

That is why I ask you, dear God, to remove
This curse and that the holy word
Be the guide that always accompanies me.

Prayers to combat curses

As a last prayer, we bring you one that is directed so that the Lord unleashes that action done against you by people who only want your harm:

You who I owe my life to;
You who watch over my health, for my safety,
for my growth and spirituality.

For this and much more I have always been faithful to you,
Beloved father, and now I need your help to
reverse this annoying situation.

The evil one, in the soul of my enemy,
has worked against me and has made
the actions of evil settle in the
bosom of my heart.

They seek, without success, to get me away from your word.
That is why I ask you, Almighty God, to help
me overcome this struggle so
that I can achieve your grace.

To conclude, we reveal to you that the only way to reverse these troublesome situations is by trusting fully in God . To say goodbye, and following this last precept, we invite you to read the verses of Deuteronomy 7:12 26 and, in addition, those of Leviticus 26: 3-13 so that you strengthen your faith in the matter of curses.

Editor in Chief

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