Search Results for: why do we dream


Chinese zodiac astrology has twelve Zodiac signs. Unlike Western astrology, this has nothing to do with planets or stars. The Chinese astrologers work based on 3 philosophical principles: the Chinese calendar (lunar years), Yin Yang, and the Five Elements. The five Chinese zodiac elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and[…]

High Sensitive Person (HSP); what is it?

HSP is a term that sounds familiar to people, but of which they often do not know what it is exactly. What does HSP (High Sensitive Person) mean?  The term HSP HSP is an abbreviation for High Sensitive Person. In the Netherlands, we call it a highly sensitive/sensitive person. This[…]

Numerology: Numbers and their Meanings

Numbers have affected our daily lives since time immemorial. Numbers are needed for valuations and without a number we would have no money. Our existence without a number is almost unthinkable. Numbers also have an esoteric meaning; much has been written about this in books on numerology. In this article[…]

What is the left breast scratching for? Sign and reason

What does it mean when your breast itch superstition?. What does it mean when your tittes itch?. In ancient times there were many superstitions and signs associated with the human body. People today believe less in something elusive. Many regard these interpretations, yet it is not uncommon for young people to call[…]

13 Candle Flame Meanings Spiritual

Have you ever wondered why the flame of a burning candle sometimes behaves in such a mysterious way? Did you ever think that there is some kind of message or language hidden in the way the flames move while burning that may be calling onto you? The candle flames meanings[…]

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