Search Results for: why do we dream

What Does Flooding Mean In A Dream?

What Does Flooding Mean In A Dream? What does flooding mean in a dream?. These dreams can be rather disturbing. They usually reveal being overwhelmed in some parts of your life. If the flood in your dream was not as frightening and serious, maybe things in your life are not[…]

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Cockroaches

Just mentioning the word cockroach makes the hair on the back of our neck stand on end, doesn’t it? This is not surprising because these insects are synonymous of dirt and filth! Dreaming of cockroaches may be strange, but not necessarily bad. Cockroaches are the symbol of tenacity. So, what[…]

Biblical Meaning of House in Dreams

Discover here the biblical meaning of house in dreams. In the bible, “House” – represents the person; their life; one’s spiritual state. (Matt. 7:24-27, II Tim. 2:20-21). There are different types of dreams with houses, each with a specific biblical or spiritual meaning. The condition of the house may reflect your[…]

Biblical Meaning Of Dream About Miscarriage

Biblical meaning of dream about miscarriage. Dreams about miscarriage are not common dreams, and they are usually dreamed by pregnant women, women who are afraid of pregnancy and giving birth, women who desire pregnancy, but they are afraid of it, etc. A dream reflects your mental, emotional and physical state.[…]

Biblical Meaning Of Water In Dreams

What does water mean in a dream. The water, I feel represents the spiritual realm. It’s hard to give you an exact interp without specifics on the dreams, but I believe you are moving into deep realms of the spirit. It’s no secret that water is important. Without it, all[…]

A Butterfly Lands On You, Do You Know Why?

Butterfly Symbolism: What Does it Mean When a Butterfly Lands On You? A butterfly lands on you for different reasons. Butterflies have always held profound spiritual meaning in cultures across the globe, and the natural life cycle of a butterfly holds spiritual teaching and a lot of insight for man.[…]

Discover the Meaning of the Number 69

What does the number 69 mean spiritually? Every day there are more people who want to know the meaning of numbers. Some people dream about numbers and look for the message that those numbers bring to their lives. Angel numbers are signals from divine beings who guide us and help[…]

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