What Does Dreaming About Alligators Mean?

What does dreaming about alligators mean?. This dream might also signify gaining promotion at work, through your own efforts.

If you dreamed about an alligator or a crocodile, maybe such dream indicates a situation in your life, you consider somewhat dangerous. Maybe something is pushing you out of balance.

Alligators or crocodiles might also signify some powerful fears. Maybe this dream has a message for you to start confronting them.

Dreams about alligators and crocodiles might also indicate danger coming into your life soon. Sometimes these animals might signify someone trying to deceive you, and this dream warns you to pay attention after you’ve had it.

These dreams are also warnings against hidden dangers.

Seeing alligators and crocodiles in your dream might also signify deceit, betrayal or your hidden instincts. This dream might also signify your healing powers, as well as your ability to balance between your physical and your emotional, subconscious world.

These dreams might also point out to your insensitivity. Maybe you tend to make threats to other people, if they don’t behave the way you want. This dream warns you about your behavior.

Alligators and crocodiles in dreams might also symbolize ruthless, treacherous and insensitive people in your life. Maybe this dream indicates a person from your surroundings with such traits.

This dream might also indicate the need to improve your finances. Sometimes it indicates your wasted talents and potential.

The bigger the size of the animal in your dream, the more important issues it signifies.

What Does Dreaming About Alligators Mean?

Alligators Mean

Dreaming about seeing an alligator or a crocodile. If you saw an alligator or a crocodile in your dream, such a dream dream usually has a negative connotation.

It maybe signifies a powerful enemy you have.

It might also signify some danger you might encounter soon, and possibly becoming a victim of some unforeseen fatal event, which might change your life path for good. Maybe you will realize some of your good friends are about to betray or deceive you in some way.

Maybe your rivals will try to put some obstacles on your way to achieve something important.

This dream might also signify your hidden power and strength but also your freedom. Sometimes it warns you of some hidden dangers.

Maybe it’s a sign someone is trying to manipulate you into making some bad decisions.

This dream might also signify a new awareness about something.

It might signify your aggressive attitude, or it may be a sign of your insincerity.

Dream about an alligator attacking you

If the alligator in your dream was reaching out to get you, or opening its large jaw, then this dream represents that you have offended someone recently by your words or actions. You are the type of person who likes to talk without thinking about it, and this always costs you
in life.

Perhaps you should pay more attention to your behavior in order not to offend others. Even though you never mean to offend anybody, it is important to work on yourself and be more careful around others, especially if they didn’t deserve the treatment they got.

As for the person you already offended, make sure to apologize and explain your words or actions.
Dream about stepping on an alligator If you had a dream about stepping on an alligator, then this dream represents you are experiencing some negative vibes in your life.

They could be coming from the people around you or simply from the environment you are currently in.
If you are not happy about the way things are, at the moment, then you can always work on yourself and make significant changes to your life. Negativity and pessimism won’t bring you anything good in life, so act in time and turn your life around.

Dream about taming an alligator

If you had a dream about taming an alligator, then this dream represents your relationship with people from your past, who haven’t always been fair and honest to you. Perhaps you had some unresolved issues with them, or feuds, and now you are finally be able to resolve them in the best possible way.

These people have been important to you, at a certain point in your life, and it is definitely not fair to leave things on bad terms. Forgiveness is the best way to heal and move on, for you and for them.
Dream about two crocodiles fighting Dream about two crocodiles fighting, represents a battle between two people in your life, who have a strong impact on you. Those people could be your parents or perhaps two lovers fighting for your attention.

Whatever it is, this conflict has a strong impact on you and your emotions. You feel like you are in the middle and you don’t know to whose side you should lean on. Perhaps it is best to stay out of the conflict and involve yourself only if it is necessary, because this can turn out to be even worse for you.

Dream about an alligator chasing you

If the alligator in your dream was chasing you around, then this dream represents success in avoiding obstacles in life. You are going to be able to finish all of your business projects in time and avoid being sabotaged by your enemies.

If you had serious troubles in the past, this period in your life, that is coming your way, will be much more successful and prosperous, as far as business projects go.
This dream can also be related to your personal life and problems you have been experiencing with your partner. This dream symbolizes resolution of those problems in the best possible way, and happiness in both relationship and career area of life.

Dream about seeing an image of an alligator

If you see a photograph or an image of an alligator in your dream, then this dream represents enemies that will emerge from nowhere in order to destroy you. These people are not very familiar to you and they will appear in your life suddenly. Even though you might think they are there to hurt you for no reason, they were actually very familiar with your life and whereabouts. Everything happens for a reason, so these people will definitely have a goal in mind when they come out to get you.

Dreaming about seeing an alligator or a crocodile in a zoo. If you dreamed about an alligator or a crocodile in a zoo, or in some other captivity, such a dream might signify having some traits, which distinct you from others.

This dream might also indicate your need for independence and you will to do all it takes to have it.

Dreaming about seeing an alligator or a crocodile in a jungle. If you dreamed about seeing an alligator or a crocodile in a jungle, such a dream might indicate some new beginnings in your life.

Dreaming about a wild alligator or a crocodile. If you dreamed about a wild alligator or a crocodile, such a dream might signify some changes or new beginnings in your life.

This dream might also be a sign of an imminent danger.

Dreaming about a tamed alligator or a crocodile. If you dreamed about seeing a tamed alligator or a crocodile, such a dream might signify acquiring power and influence.

Dreaming about taming an alligator or a crocodile. If you dreamed about taming an alligator or a crocodile, such a dream is a sign of reconciliation with some people who have treated you badly in the past.

Dreaming about being chased by an alligator or a crocodile. Dreams about being chased by a crocodile or an alligator might signify your attempts to distance yourself from some dishonest person.

Maybe this dream indicates the need to work together with some person you know is not honest.

Dreaming about an alligator or a crocodile chasing you on land. If you dreamed about an alligator or a crocodile chasing you on land, but being able to escape, such a dream is a good sign, indicating the ability to resolve your problems.

Things will start working out for you and you will overcome some difficulties you thought were impossible to surpass, using only a small effort.

Dreaming about running away from an alligator or a crocodile. If you dreamed about running away from an alligator or a crocodile, such a dream might signify your resistance to confront some painful and destructive issues from your subconscious, maybe even refusing to acknowledge their existence.

Such a dream might also signify some sudden changes or beginning of a new phase in your life.

It might indicate the need to study something in order to achieve success.

Dreaming about an alligator or a crocodile attacking someone. If you dreamed about an alligator or a crocodile attacking someone, such a dream might indicate offending someone, due to your lack of empathy and careless behavior.

Dreaming about being attacked by an alligator or a crocodile and no one helping you. If you dreamed about being attacked by an alligator or a crocodile and no one was helping you escape, such a dream signifies some difficulties ahead, but there will probably be no way to avoid them.

You will be forced to deal with whatever situation comes your way, the best way you can.

This dream also indicates that people who are close to you won’t be able to do anything, no matter how willing they are to help you.

Dreaming about being bitten by an alligator or a crocodile. If you dreamed about being bitten by a crocodile, such a dream might indicate refusing to acknowledge and confront some painful issues from your subconscious.

Sometimes it indicates being suffocated by some situation or a relationship in your life.

This dream might indicate some fears you have.

Such a dream might also signify not learning from your past mistakes.

This dream might reveal reaching a higher level of consciousness.

These dreams often indicate disappointments. Sometimes they can indicate a sexual attraction towards someone.

If you were bitten on the leg, maybe you have some issues with moving forward in business matters.

If you were bitten on the hand, maybe you have some problems with your colleagues who are dishonest, or you will experience some delays at work.

Dreaming about an alligator or a crocodile swimming towards you. If you observed an alligator or a crocodile swimming towards you in your dream, such a dream might indicate some unfortunate events ahead or something unpleasant, happening to a person close to you.

Dreaming about an alligator or a crocodile sneaking up on you. If you dreamed about an alligator or a crocodile sneaking up behind you or coming out of nowhere, startling you, such a dream might indicate a period of difficulties and problems ahead. Things won’t work out as you planned, and these events might have a negative effect on your life, or the life of someone close to you.

Dreaming about being scared of an alligator or a crocodile and trying to kill it. Alligators and crocodiles in dreams signify enemies and rivals. You might have some friend who is only pretending to be your friend, waiting for a chance to take advantage of you in some way. Maybe this person is creating obstacles, or gossiping about you, in an attempt to ruin your reputation.

You are probably subconsciously aware of the threat coming from this person, and you have the strength and ability to deal with her.

Dreaming about killing an alligator or a crocodile. If you dreamed about killing an alligator or a crocodile, such a dream is a good sign, indicating success in overcoming some difficulties and obstacles, which have been bothering you for some time. You might even come up with a great solution to some problems standing in your way.

Dreaming about killing an alligator or a crocodile. If you killed an alligator or a crocodile in a dream, such a dream is a very good sign and might signify the end of your worries about something.

If you didn’t manage to kill the animal, such a dream might be warning you of something.

Killing these animals in a dream might indicate harboring some anger inside.

This dream might also signify luck in the near future.

It might be a sign of success and gaining wealth in the near future, through your own persistence and effort.

It might also indicate your commitment to your goals in life.

Shooting an alligator or a crocodile, might signify your energy and ambition t uncover successful business ideas and opportunities.

Dreaming about eating an alligator or a crocodile. If you dreamed about eating an alligator or a crocodile, such a dream is a good sign and indicates overcoming your fear of something dangerous. Maybe you will experience success and triumph over something.

Dreaming about an alligator or a crocodile eating someone. If you dreamed about observing an alligator or a crocodile eating someone, such a dream might signify some person who might make you some problems.

This dream might also signify failures of your projects or some worries.

Dreaming about an alligator or a crocodile devouring its prey. If you observed an alligator or a crocodile devouring prey in your dream, such a dream signifies possibly making mistakes while indulging in life’s pleasures.

It might also indicate being involved in some bizarre situations, which might leave you confused and out of balance.

Editor in Chief

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