What does the Bible say about eating healthy? Verses about nutrition

What does the Bible say about eating healthy?

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What does the Bible say about eating healthy?, With Verses about nutrition

I have great sadness with the excessive advance of fast food and obesity in our countries. The more we progress, prosper, and have acquisitions, the fatter we get. Fast food is invading us. But the direct fault is not fast food, but human will. We allow ourselves to be guided by our desires. Many churches teach that we can eat anything, that God does not tell us or give us laws about food. But that is wrong.

The Bible, however, teaches us a truth, which no human being can avoid. It teaches principles about health and about sickness, which is inevitable in human life.


Every human being knows that the antonym for health is a disease. The word is so negative that we would even like to eradicate it from our language. But it is painfully real in our lives. The simple flu of winter is the constant reminder that we are sick. We cannot even prevent the flu from reaching us.

It is in Genesis that the word disease is first mentioned, and it is related to the fallen state of the human being. Genesis 2:17 says, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of it, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. The divine warning to the newly created human is that disobedience would lead to death.

This is the first mention of the disease. The final phase of the verse, “you will surely die,” uses a Hebrew emphasis where the word is repeated for strength: “you will surely die. The word die, in this case, can be translated as dying, which means a process during a man’s lifetime until his physical death. And in fact, that is the inevitable process.

Old age is the result of sin and the diseases that accompany it. The divine prerogative of disobedience was fulfilled to the letter. Whether we eat correctly or not, we will get sick; the difference is that the Lord Jesus, in His compassion, gives us a way of life that is acceptable, complete, if we obey Him in His principles.

When Adam and Eve sinned, the divine sentence stood firm: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou took: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” (Gen. 3:19). Death is inevitable; so is the disease that accompanies it. God says in Romans 3:23 that we are all sinners and are far from Him.

If we take this text with Exodus 15:25, which declares that Jehovah is the Healer of Israel, it is evident that we will get sick. The New Testament states that “Every good gift and every perfect gift belongs to him who is the highest, who comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning” (Jas 1:17).

And far from our Savior Jesus Christ, we find no health, only sickness. And in fact, by being “fallen short” of His glory, we fall short of the benefits that His person offers, which include health.

But God, who is full of mercy, offers us a viable alternative to physically healthy life, a life where He and His principles lead us to a healthy life. It does not mean that we will not get sick, but that we will not fall seriously ill. Biblical principles are far-sighted, and they lead us to a healthy life worthy of the Church of Christ.


Whenever we mention the subject of health, the human being focuses on his physical illness. However, to God, sickness is born in sin; in other words, it is a spiritual disease that damages a person’s physical body. It is the result of being “far from our Father God.

Biblically speaking, the word “salvation” is actually healthy, and wherever the Greek term “Soteria” appears, it refers to the spiritual health of the human being, because the human spirit and soul are dead, sick, and far from the Source of Life. The word “sickness” is not only used for the body, but for everything that is abnormal, both physical and spiritual.

The Bible uses the term “health” in many texts, especially in the 1909 Queen-Valera. But already the 1960s and the KJV have poured the time “salvation,” which, although not contrary, in many passages, is not as inclusive as it should be. The word “health,” however, argues for spiritual and sometimes physical healing.

Today the word salvation is used only to the salvation of the soul, but it excludes the healing of the body. But the Greek word “soter” is not only spiritual salvation but integral salvation, a salvation that includes spirit, soul, and body.

For example, in Acts 4:12, we read, “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. The Latin version uses “health,” and all of the Reina-Valera used it until the 1960s began to change the translation.

The Spanish make it clear, in the context of Acts, that the correct word would be “Salud”, because the argument is the health effected in the physical life of the paralytic, which was the result of believing in Jesus Christ. Physical healing is the restoration of damaged and diseased tissue through the intervention of divine Grace.

The prophet Isaiah speaks of sickness in this way: “Every head is sick, and every heart is in pain. From the sole of the foot to the head there is nothing unharmed in it, but a wound, a swelling, and a rotten sore; it is not healed, nor bound, nor made soft with oil” (Isa. 1:5-6).

This passage speaks of the sin of Israel, but the description is physically real, for this is how the people were sick because of the wars. But the Lord himself says to Israel, “Come now, let us reason together,” says the Lord, “if your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; if they are red like crimson, they shall be as white wool” (Isa. 1:18). God maintains in His Word that true healing occurs when God regenerates the dead, defunct, and sick.

For God, health is intimately related to His salvation, and it is only possible to the extent that His Grace is expressed on behalf of sinful man. Health is Grace, and every medical discovery is Grace on behalf of sinful humanity, and every miracle is a glimpse of the immense love of the glorious Christ for the sinful world.

This does not mean that a believer does not get sick, nor does it mean that a servant of Christ is delivered from every disease. Sin is part of the human sinner, and it will only be eliminated until the final redemption, but the sinner who dies a sinner will go to sinful hell; this means that he will go with his diseases for all eternity.

That is the meaning of the phrase that Jesus used when He said, “their worm dies not” (Mark 9:44), their evil and their diseases will never end, and will literally be evidenced in a plague of worms in their condemned bodies.

I firmly believe that Jesus Christ heals and that His power is as great as ever. But that does not oblige Him to heal everyone or to indulge those who are inadequately fed. In countries where we can choose what to eat, believers neglect their health. This is where a question arises directly for believers in Christ: If Jesus is our model, why don’t we imitate Him in our diet? And how did Jesus eat?


Although Scripture seems not to mention much about the Lord’s diet, it is very specific about how He ate. To find out, we need only look to the Scriptures to answer the questions that arise from the study. In fact, in this study, two of the questions that came up for me were: What nationality was Jesus? How truthful was He? Let’s look at each one of them.

What nationality was Jesus?

I think that’s a self-evident question. Anyone who knows history knows that Jesus was a Jew. He told the Samaritan woman, “Health comes from the Jews” (John 4:22), referring to himself as the only Savior; a Jew by birth and a Jew by culture. But He was not an ordinary Jew; Jesus was one of those Jews who did not follow Pharisaism, full of dead, meaningless laws.

He said he came to “fulfill the law” (Matthew 5:17), and that fulfillment was to carry in himself the laws of the Torah, not as explained by a rabbi, but as God had left them written. In fact, in Matthew 5, whenever he said, “you have heard that it was said,” or “you have heard that it was said to the ancients,” he was referring to the ideas of Hillel and other rabbis of his time.

He opposed everything that was Judaizing; for “it is not Jewishness that is manifest; neither is circumcision that is manifest in the flesh: but it is Jewishness that is inward; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God” (Rom. 2:28-29).

Therefore the Jews did not accept Christ and accused him before Pilate, making themselves guilty along with the Gentiles of his death.

How truthful was Jesus?

Very much so. Jesus not only practiced the Truth, but He claimed to be the Truth (John 14:6). In many passages of the Gospel of John, He declares that He is correct and that He is God. So, fulfilling His own Law was natural to Him, because it was He who gave it to Moses. This is important.

If Christ fulfilled the Law, no true Christian should follow the Law to be saved. Jesus taught us that the only Truth was in Him because He did not say to follow the Truth or to lead us to the Truth. He said that He Himself is the Truth (John 14:6). Christian Truth is not an ideal, a principle, or a philosophy; Christian Truth is a Person, the Lord Jesus. Following Him, obeying Him, and believing in His Words is enough.

To follow the Truth and be in the Truth is to believe in Jesus, to trust Him, and every word He says in the Scriptures.

Bible verses about nutrition

Bible verses about food and health. Bible verses healthy eating.

Here are six crucial Bible verses to consider food.

1) John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

There is nothing more important in life than seeking the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ. He is the “living bread that came down from heaven,” and He continues to satisfy those who have been led to repentance and faith in God. Bread satisfies for a day, but Jesus Christ fulfills forever because whoever drinks this bread will never die. The ancient Israelites had food, but they perished in the desert because of their disbelief and disobedience. For those who believe and strive to live a life of obedience, the “living bread” Jesus Christ says that “everyone who believes in me, even though he dies, will live” (John 11: 25b).

2) 1 Corinthians 6:13 “Food for the belly, and the belly for food, but both one and the other will destroy God. But the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.”

There are some churches that still adhere to the dietary laws of the Old Testament and some that look down on others who eat things they consider impure. However, my question for them is always; Are you Jewish? Do you know that these dietary laws were written exclusively to Israel? Do you know that Jesus declared all foods clean? Jesus reminds us, as I reminded a brother in the church: “He said to them: Are you also without understanding? Do you not understand that everything outside that enters man cannot contaminate him, because he does not enter his heart, but into his belly, and goes out to the latrine? He said this, making clean all the food”. (Mark 7: 18b-19).

3) Matthew 25:35, “For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you picked me up.”

Part of the importance of the Bible about food is that we should help by sharing with those who have little or nothing. Furthermore, we are only stewards of what we have and not the owners (Luke 16: 1-13), and if “you have not been faithful in unjust riches, who will entrust you with true riches” (Luke 16:11). ), “And if you have not been faithful in others, who will give you what is yours?” (Luke 16:12)

Years ago, a man was hired for an executive job; he went to a cafeteria with the other council members to celebrate his new job. They let the new man go first behind the company’s CEO. When the director (CEO) saw the newly hired executive clean your butter knife with her napkin, the CEO later told the council: “I think we hired the wrong man.” This man lost his $ 87,000 a year for “wasting butter. “He was not faithful in so little, so the CEO did not want to put this man in the “much.”

Bible verses about Food

4) Acts 14:17 “17. although he did not leave himself without testimony, doing well, giving us rain from heaven and fruitful times, filling our hearts with sustenance (food) and joy”.

God is such a good God that he feeds even those who are not his “he makes his sun rise on bad and good and sends his rain on righteous and unrighteous” (Matthew 5:45). In other words, God has not left the world without a witness of His goodness, giving the righteous and unrighteous their rains in the same way, which means that He provides the ability for crops to grow and feed even those who are out of the family of God. That is why those who reject Christ lack an excuse (Romans 1:20) because they are rejecting the only obvious Truth about the existence of God (Romans 1:18).

5) Proverbs 22: 9 “The merciful eye will be blessed, for he gave his bread to the destitute.”

There are many scriptures that admonish Christians to help and feed the poor. The early church of the first century shared what they had with those who had little or nothing, and this was of interest because God will bless the “merciful eye” that seeks those in need. The “merciful eye” looks so that others do not go hungry. Jesus reminds us “I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink” (Matthew 25:35), but when the saints asked, “When did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you to drink (Matthew 25:37), to which Jesus said, “As soon as you did one of these my younger brothers, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). So feeding the poor is, in effect, feeding Jesus, because they are smaller “brothers and sisters.”

6) 1 Corinthians 8: 8 “While the food does not make us more acceptable to God; because neither because we eat, we will be more, nor because we do not eat, we will be less.”

Years ago, we invited an Orthodox Jew to dinner, and we knew what to put on the table and what not to put on the table. We did not want to cause any scandal to this man. 

We did this because of the biblical commandment that says not to offend or make a brother or sister stumble, and although this man was not technically our Brother, we still did not want to offend him or make him feel uncomfortable, because the Apostle Paul said: “By which, if the food is my brother’s chance to fall, I will never eat meat, so as not to stumble my brother.” 1 Cor 8, 13).

We had a lot to eat because God had blessed us, so we must share with those who have little because “if someone has goods of the world and sees his Brother in need, but closes his heart against him, how can God’s love remain in the? Little children, let us not love in word, but in deeds and in truth” (1 John 3: 17-18).


If we have not yet been led to repentance with God and have not placed our trust in Christ, we will not be hungry or thirsty for justice, nor will we care for the poor and hungry as those who have the Spirit of God, so Jesus says to all, “I am the bread of life; He who comes to me will never be hungry, and he who believes in me will never thirst again” (John 6:35).

Bread or drink can satisfy. but only for a short time, but Jesus satisfies forever, and those who take the Bread of Life will never be hungry again, and even more, they expect the greatest banquet and the greatest feast in all history. Human, I mean the wedding party of the Lamb of God with His wife, the church (Matthew 22: 1-14). In the meantime, do not forget that “if you give your bread to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul, your light will be born in darkness, and your darkness will be like noon” (Isaiah 58:10).

Editor in Chief

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