Dreams about

Learn the different dreams interpretations and discover the biblical or spiritual meaning of dreams about different subjects of your everyday life, spiritual messages, the bible, and more!

Totem Animals | Spirit Animal, Symbolism and Meaning

Totem animals and animals that spontaneously cross your path. Cormorant – Growth through introspection, knowledge of the ancestors. Monkey Problem-solving, courage, cheerfulness, friendship, communicative, creative, brings insight into the dark side of people, intelligence, flexibility, playfulness, and antics. The Monkey is wise, but can often be tricked (naive). It is very[…]

What Does Dreaming About Alligators Mean?

What does dreaming about alligators mean?. This dream might also signify gaining promotion at work, through your own efforts. If you dreamed about an alligator or a crocodile, maybe such dream indicates a situation in your life, you consider somewhat dangerous. Maybe something is pushing you out of balance. Alligators[…]

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Zombies

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Zombies? Zombie dreams pretty much the same way, saying that zombie attack dreams mean, “You are under tremendous pressure and stress in your waking life. You do not know what is going on and you have trouble to accept the cruel reality.”[…]

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Cockroaches

Just mentioning the word cockroach makes the hair on the back of our neck stand on end, doesn’t it? This is not surprising because these insects are synonymous of dirt and filth! Dreaming of cockroaches may be strange, but not necessarily bad. Cockroaches are the symbol of tenacity. So, what[…]

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